Friday, January 27, 2012

One Step at A Time

Ok, it’s been since August since I blogged. Where does the time go? I dunno. Does anyone really read blogs? I think it’s an old thing like e-mail. I was talking to my Jr. High Bible Study group the other day and asked them about e-mail. They said only “old” people do those, I am old. We are doing a unit on Social Media, talking with them about Txt and Face book. Can you express your Christianity on such changing media? I think so. I will have to old man blog about that soon.

The purpose of this blog is to encourage anyone who read it from NIBC to keep the faith this year. What a great church we have. The Testimonies on Sundays continue to support that fact that God has put us on this Hill for a reason. The many ministries local, citywide, national and international continue to show God that we have a mind to work in his kingdom.

The offering plates are going to struggle in an economy that just isn’t going to rebound no matter who gets the nod this November. However, friends, if we are faithful - God will provide. The key is our faithfulness to his call for NIBC. We have a Church that is built for this economy. I wouldn’t be able to get as much done with out our faithful volunteer ministry leadership and workers. It seems each time we hear God’s call he broadcast that call to many of us. This isn’t a church run by a group; it’s a church working together to row the boat in the right direction. Thank you so much for your love for this church.

The source he uses to provide financially is our faithful obedient stewardship/managing of the funds he gives us. Some my say “they’re always in my pocket up there at the church”. We’ll remember what I have told you, Jesus spoke of salvation/kingdom first and money second. I seem to recall him saying something about where your heart is there will your treasure be, but I could have just imagined that while I was asleep in one of my seminary classes. To fund the kingdom work takes managing our time, talent, treasure. I would be changing the message of the New Testament if I told you anything different. Those of you who know me from these last 93/4 years know that I don’t change the word of God to suit anyone. Remember, Beloved, that we are in this together. Our first call is to the kingdom work and that involves funding it with all we have not just 10%. I have seen your heart so far these last few months. Like those who rebuilt Jerusalem with Nehemiah “you have a heart for the work”. Let’s continue to be a place of strong and true Bible teaching/learning/living. God has so much in store for us in the years to come. My focus verse for this year is Revelation 3:8, where Jesus writes to the Church at Philadelphia,” I know your works. Because you have limited strength, have kept my word, and have not denied my name, look, I have placed before you an open door that no one is able to close.” The door is open because he is keeping it open, may he continue to find us faithful.

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